Friday, November 28, 2008

Sorry I've been MIA the last few weeks - I've been swamped with orders (prints, books, calendars, cards.... you name it) but I'm starting to see the light and promise to post soon. AND I have a contest coming up so stay tuned : )

Thursday, November 6, 2008

As promised, here are some more pics from the farm shoot last weekend. And if you haven't already, scroll down to the previous post to see these cute kids up close!

And because new babies can't have as much fun at the farm as the 'big kids', we had a bit of our own fun before heading out ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What an afternoon... 7 kids at a farm in the middle of Toronto - sun was shining, animals were roaming, treats were plenty. Check out these cuties (what a gorgeous group of kids). I'll post more 'together' and 'fun' shots in a couple of days - just too many for one post! enjoy : )