Monday, April 19, 2010

Role reversal...

As photographers we often hide behind the camera. We like it there and although we're constantly telling people to relax in front of the camera and trying to make them think it's an easy thing to do, most of us find it incredibly tough to practice what we preach. I met up with a fellow photographer and friend in Toronto this past weekend and we fought that fight. We caught each other on the other side of the lens and actually had a blast.

This is Diana. She's an amazing photographer and person (check her work out here).


  1. Gorgeous - love all of them!! Diana looks beautiful!!

  2. After looking at these photos I feel like I know Diana - her personality shines through. Great work Kelly - I don't even know YOU but am a fan of your work! Beautiful.

  3. absolutely wonderful, kelly! :) so so so beautiful!
