Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another familiar family...

My previous post spoke to what a huge compliment it is when clients ask me to return months or years later to photograph them again. That's one way to make me a happy photographer. Another is to bring treats to the session (now if that's not a blatant hint) - this family did both! The mother of these lucky boys owns a bakery in Kingston (and if you live in or around Kingston, do yourself a favour and stop by Card's Bakery... the carrot squares are amazing!)

This was my third session with these guys so they are no stranger to my camera. I've loved watching them grow, they always keep me on my toes and as always, we had a fun afternoon! 


  1. Hi! I am from the Leamington Area and have been heading over here to check out your updates for a while. Just want to say I really admire your work!

  2. You've captured the beauty of this family Kelly! those wagon shots will become an heirloom.

  3. Oh Kelly, these are BEAUTIFUL shots!! Wow!!
